IN THE BOX you will get Hobee Quality 11, 55 or 110 Super Wired Bees Wax Foundation For National beehives. Pick the number of sheets you want from the list. If you pick 55 you will get 5 sall boxes of 11 bees wax sheet. They are packed in small Hobee boxes of 11 as seen in the picture (so you can keep them nice, clean and tidy). Condition is New- produce of this year, TOP QUALITY. Our wax is much thicker than the cheap ones in UK market. They give bees and the beekeeper a good hold. They wont get ripped when you build your frames. They fit for WBC and some commercial frames as well. We sell them separately. ALSO PLEASE NOTE: We regularly recycle clean cardboards for packaging. We take them from a food store and a nearby school. Therefore don’t be surprised if they arrive in a bread box.