Complete National hive made from high quality 1st Grade Western Cedar. 1 x 4 Flat Roof complete with metal cover. 1 x Varroa Mesh Floor with entrance block. 22 x National SN4 Hoffman Super Frames. 22 x BS Super Wired Foundation Sheets. 11 x National DN4 Hoffman Brood Frames & Pins. 11 x BS Brood Wired Foundation Sheets. S National Porter Bee Escape Crown Board with porter bee escapes. 1 x Plastic Queen Excluder- 460mm². 6 x Steel Frame Runners. All part assembled hives come with full assembly instructions and nails, and an assembled roof and floor. Before using your hive, we recommend using an insect friendly wood preserver and weather outside for a week prior to use. We recommend all joints are glued (not included) during assembly. To prolong the life of your new hive, complete wood treatment every 3 to 4 years.