Caddon Hives Beekeepers Bundle – National Bee Hive with Gabled Roof. Brand New – Never Used! Hive is manufactured from Canadian Western Red Cedar and comes assembled with the slotted steel queen excluder. Full starter kit without frames. 1 x National Hive which includes. 1 x OM Floor with inspection tray. 1 x Gabled Roof with metal lid and 2 x wasp traps. 1 x Standard Brood box with metal runners. 2 x Super boxes with metal runners. 1 x Crown board with 2 bee escapes. 1 x National Hive Stand. 1 x “J” Hive Tool. 1 x Bee Brush. 1 x Empire Smoker. 1 x Bee Manual (beekeeping book/manual). 1 x Beekeeping Hat. 1 x Beekeeping Suit. Made from Solid Western Red Cedar, (NO PLY WOOD). The National hive is the most popular in the UK, it is a single walled hive and is easy to handle and manipulate, adaption is easy.