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Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder
S L O V E N I A N B EE H I V E S. Many beekeepers are looking for ways to make the work around the hive easier and faster. Trying to accomplish that new beehives are built with improved ergonomic designs, ensuring long term survival , as well as better housing for the bees. Slovenian AZ beehive is a great hive, and it is used by many beekeepers. It originates from the European country of Slovenia where it has been used for centuries. The beekeeper who designed it is a famous Slovenian beekeeper Anton nideri. Why is this hive so special? What makes this hive unique and interesting to the beekeepers is that the hive box opens from the back. Usually, hive inspection requires lifting of supers or broods which can be very tiring , especially for older beekeepers. Being able to just pull out frames individually even from lower levels makes colony inspection much easier for the beekeeper and bees. The design of the hive. The AZ hives are designed to fit into bee houses which expose the hive to the outside only on one side. This hive contains the same components as Langstroth, but it doesnt have supers. For easier transportation, some beekeepers build these houses onto trucks. Outside of the hive. Two openings for bees at the front of the hive which can be easily closed when the hive has to be moved. Since only front side of the hive is exposed to the outside, that side is the only one that has to be painted. Inside of the hive. Rear door allowing easier access to the frames on all levels. Frames rest on metal bars which utilize space, so bees dont build burr comb along the bottoms, tops, and in between frames. Frames are narrower and taller than Langstroth Deep frames, and wired vertically. Standard foundation needs to be cut down to fit into these frames. The exterior door has ventilation flaps on the top and bottom for additional airflow. Two screened wire doors on the inside keep the bees in place and allow ventilation. Screened doors have feeding boxes so feeding the bees is easier. Removable queen excluders on the top of the interior and screened boards on the bottom. On the inside of screened doors and front of the hive, there are metal spacers that keep the frames at the same distance. What are the advantages? As we already mentioned, the biggest advantage is that supers and brood dont have to be lifted because of the rear door. Frames can be simply pulled out individually, even from lower levels. Since hives are fitted into the bee house their inspection is easier and is not dependant on the weather. Stacking the hives in the house protects the bees from harsh weather and wind. Feeding is performed inside the bee house which prevents any robbing stimulation from other colonies. The hives only have two or three levels, but by putting a solid board between levels, you can have two colonies per level. When the season starts, you can remove the second queen and merge two colonies. That way you can have a strong colony ready to forage early in spring. Should you try it? The Slovenian AZ beehive is a way of beekeeping that will work for some and not for others. Because of its design bees might get the swarming urge more often so the monitoring should be done more often. Also, be aware that this hive is not compatible with Langstroth frame sizes and standard foundation needs some adjustments to fit these hives. However, having hives inside a bee house and being able to work independently of outside weather is surely a significant advantage. With AZ hive there is no more waiting for sunny days without rain and strong wind just to be able to inspect the hive. Even bees like it, they seem to be less disturbed during inspections through rear doors. Since they are mostly oriented to using front entrances, only small amount of smoke is needed at the rear door during the inspection. Beekeeping requires a lot of hard work, so this type of hive might be a great option to increase the efficiency of both bees and beekeeper. It’s a small hive and as such is being advertised as suitable for those who find using a full-sized beehive difficult. Basically, the hive is worked from the rear so that there is no lifting of heavy boxes. In Slovenia the hive is kept in a bee house, a building holding a number of the hives, generally with decorated fronts. 1 x Slovenian beehive. The item “Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder” is in sale since Tuesday, August 22, 2017. This item is in the category “Pet Supplies\Beekeeping”. The seller is “maisterdan” and is located in Slovenia. This item can be shipped to all countries in Europe.
  • Brand: National
  • Product Type: Beehives
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Slovenia

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive 20-frames with feeder

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames
Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames
S L O V E N I A N B EE H I V E S NUC 7-frame. R e c e n t l y i n t e r e s t h a s b e e n s h o w n i n t h e S l o v e n i a n (A Z) b ee h i v e. T h i s i s a s m a l l h i v e a n d a s s u c h i s b e i n g a d v e r t i s e d a s s u i t a b l e f o r t h o s e w h o f i n d u s i n g a f u l l – s i z e d b ee h i v e d i f i c u l t. B a s i c a l l y t h e h i v e i s w o r k e d f r o m t h e r e a r s o t h a t t h e r e i s n o l i f t i n g o f h e a v y b o x e s. I n S l o v e n i a t h e h i v e i s k e p t i n a b ee h o u s e , a b u i l d i n g h o l d i n g a n u mb e r o f t h e h i v e s , g e n e r a l l y w i t h d e c o r a t e d f r o n t s. T h e S l o v e n i a n h i v e h a s t w o s t o r i e s s e p a r a t e d b y a q u e e n e x c l u d e r. T h e q u e e n a n d b r o o d a r e i n t h e b o t t o m s e c t i o n a n d h o n e y i s s t o r e d i n t h e t o p p a r t. B o t h b o x e s h a v e s e p a r a t e e n t r a n c e s. W h e n t h e b a c k d o o r o f t h e S l o v e n i a n h i v e i s o p e n e d t h e e n d b a r s o f t h e f r a m e s a r e v i s i b l e. F r a m e s a r e r e m o v e d l i k e t a k i n g b o o k s f r o m a b o o k s h e l f. B ee s p a c e i s p r e s e r v e d f o r t h e f r a m e s w i t h a. S l o t t e d r a c k i n t h e f r o n t a n d o n t h e r e m o v a b l e b a c k. T h e b o t t o m o f t h e f r a m e s s l i d e o n t h r ee m e t a l r o d s p l a c e d c r o s s w i s e. P r e s e n t t h e S l o v e n i a n h i v e s t a k e t h e i r o w n s p e c i a l f r a m e s b u t i t w o u l d b e. P o s s i b l e t o m a k e a m o d i f i e d v e r s i o n f o r L a n g s t r o t h f r a m e s. C e r t a i n l y o t h e r b ee k e e p e r – i n v e n t e d h i v e s d o e x i s t n o t o n l y i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s b u t a l s o t h r o u g h o u t t h e w o r l d. T h e s e h i v e s m a y n e v e r b e p r o d u c e d t o b e s o l d t o o t h e r b ee k e e p e r s. H o w e v e r i t d o e s m a k e u s w o n d e r w h a t b ee h i v e s w i l l b e l i k e 1 60 y e a r s f r o m n o w t h a t i s a pp r o x i m a t e l y t h e t i m e s i n c e L a n g s t r o t h d i s c o v e r e d b ee s p a c e. I f a m a n c a n w r i t e a b e t t e r b o o k , p r e a c h a b e t t e r s e r m o n , o r m a k e a b e t t e r m o u s e t r a p t h a n h i s n e i g h b o r , t h o u g h h e b u i l d h i s h o u s e i n t h e w o o d s t h e w o r l d w i l l m a k e a b e a t e n p a t h t o h i s d o o r. (A t t r i b u t e d t o R a l p h W a l d o E m e r s o n , 1 8 0 3 – 1 8 8 2). S e t o f S l o v e n i a n H i v e s o n a t r a il e r – i d ea l f o r m o v i n g b ee s f r o m o n e c r o p t o a n o t h e r. 1 x Slovenian beehive NUC. The item “Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames” is in sale since Monday, June 5, 2017. This item is in the category “Business & Industrial\Agriculture & Forestry\Livestock Supplies\Beekeeping”. The seller is “maisterdan” and is located in Slovenia. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Beehive
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Slovenia

Beekeeping Equipment National Slovenian AZ beehive NUC 7-frames

Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)

Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)
Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)
Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)

Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)
Wella Wellaton Hair Cream. We’re rated 5/5 for service! Read our customer feedback! Huge range in stock. All ready for immediate dispatch. Apiarian Drill Mechanism – Honey Bee Frames 5 Holes. It is designed for simultaneous drilling of 5 holes in the side slats of the hive frames. This machine comes complete with the engine ready for work. The distance between the drills is fixed and not adjustable. The drilling head is manufactured with the distance between the holes. + 55 + 55 + 55 + 55 + = 220 mm – on the frame 300? (5 rows of wire). Please Check Out my other items & products. These items Are 100% Genuine & Authentic. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter. We source products from around the globe, offering a vast and diverse range of different products. So please take a look around and we hope to be packaging your order soon! We’re here to help whenever you need us. High quality products at amazing prices. You won’t find cheaper prices anywhere! All stock held and dispatched from UK. A little about us.. We’re a uk based company specialising in a huge choice of home accessories, cosmetics and more. Very pleased, highly recommended. The item “Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)” is in sale since Monday, August 6, 2018. This item is in the category “Pet Supplies\Beekeeping”. The seller is “more4less.ltd” and is located in Kiev . This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: Five Holes
  • Variety: Beekeeping Drilling machine for frames
  • MPN: Does Not Apply
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Ukraine
  • Brand: Unbranded
  • Product Type: Beehives
  • Featured Refinements: Beekeeping Equipment

Beekeeping Equipment Drill for Production of Bee Hive Frames (5 Holes)

Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New

Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New

Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New
Drilling Machine for Frames 5 Holes Beekeeping Equipment Bee 100% Original New. Drilling machine for frames 5 holes – the distance between the drills of 55×55×55× 55 mm. Designed for simultaneous drilling of 5 holes in the side rails hive frames. Each drill, 1.5 mm diameter, fixed in the collet. Modular equipment: Case with motor, drill head, feed table. In just one hour you have processed up to 1000 frames. Rated voltage: 220 V. Weight: 6.5 kg. Electrical voltage – 220 Volt. View My Other Items For Sale. Auctiva Free Image Hosting. Show off your items with Auctiva’s Listing Templates. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter. The item “Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New” is in sale since Thursday, September 15, 2016. This item is in the category “Business & Industrial\Agriculture & Forestry\Livestock Supplies\Beekeeping”. The seller is “lowprice4you100″ and is located in Europe. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: 220 v
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Ukraine

Beekeeping Equipment Bee Drilling machine for Production of Hive Frames New