Houses for bees from. Reliable and durable structures with a long service life – up to 25 years. Styrofoam hive for growing “Dadan” packages for 6 frames (plastic bottom) unpainted. The hive is designed to keep small bee colonies. In such a hive, small layers quickly gain strength and successfully overwinter. Made of Styrofoam, holds 6 Dadan frames. The complete set of the beehive includes: plastic bottom, polystyrene foam body, polystyrene foam roof. The design of the plastic bottom provides 6 ventilation holes with an installed plastic mesh. The case has one ventilation hole in the kit for which there are polystyrene and plastic plugs. There are 4 ventilation holes in the roof – 2 on each side, for which there are also two plugs. Dimensions of the beehive. Height – 460 mm. Length – 520 mm. Bottom length with landing board. Of the hive is. The hive is unpainted, so it is recommended to cover it with a special paint for greater resistance to external factors. We also offer the option of an already painted beehive (the cost of painting will be added to the cost of the beehive). The main differences of polystyrene foam beehives and advantages of use. Thanks to good thermal insulation, the optimal microclimate inside the hive for the vital activity of bees is maintained. Styrofoam is a light, strong and durable material. In such hives, bees winter better and develop faster in the spring. Unlike wooden wooden structures, polystyrene foam hives do not absorb moisture and do not deform. Using these designs, you can get more products and less labor costs.