Langstroth 10-Frame 2-Layer Waxed BeehiveLangstroth beehives are the standard beehive used in many parts of the world. Langstroth beehives are modular, allowing beekeepers to easily add additional boxes (layers) to grow the hive as it matures. As the most popular beehive in North America, Langstrom hives have many compatible accessories and upgrades available. Constructed of 3/4 fir with dovetailed joints, this waxed Langstroth beehive holds up to 10 frames per box, which bees use to create their wax comb for raising brood and storing honey. Waxing a beehive preserves the wood – significantly prolonging its life. Wax can also help protect bees from diseases by sealing pores in the wood that could house harmful bacteria. A waxed beehive is better protected from rain, snow, mold, and fungi such as mildew. Langstroth beehives have a standard length and width of 19 7/8″ x 16″, with heights varying by the number of stacked boxes. This beehive includes one deep box for cultivating the brood (9 5/8″) and one medium box for honey comb to form (6 5/8″). A telescoping top cover(assembled), inner cover(assembled), bottom board(assembled) and entrance reducer are included.