I make these myself, I’ve been keeping bees for many years now and the two things which have always frustarted me are. At harvest time solidifying honey in the frames which won’t spin out in the extractor. Solid honey in the bucket when I’m jarring up. They are constructed from 75mm insulation board with a very effecient and adjustable electric heater in the bottom, all the materials I use are new and the instruction for the heating elsement will be supplied. The cabinet is incredibly effecient and simply runs from a 40W electric element. THe results are fantastic, I store my honey in 5 gallon buckets (home brew type) and one of mu cabinets will melt a solid bucket to runny honey in approximatly 48 hours I think it gets up to about 40 degrees celcius. The cabinet will also accomodate three standard supers with their frames but you do need to be careful when heating frames and turn the heater to low as otherwise you will start to melt the wax. As mentioned I build these to order so if you woul like one please allow a couple of weeeks lead time. Collection woul be ideal as they are obviusly quite large but very light. Please feel free to ask any questions.