FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEES HAVE BEEN MAKING THEIR HOMES IN WOOD. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF TRAPS MADE OUT OF. We provide you with detailed assembly and user’s guide. 45+ liters in total volume to catch the largest of bee swarms. Trap measures 22 in. Tall, 8.75 in. Wide, and 19.75 in. Handcrafted using traditional principles of cabinet making. The most durable traps on the market. Allows for years of use. 5/8 exterior rated plywood. Milled using a CNC router. Cabinet joinery for easy assembly. Human and Bee Safety. Unique nylon-strap hoist installation system. Allow you to raise and secure trap while on the ground. Prevents damage to the tree. Eliminates need to nail or screw the trap into a tree. Mechanically secured top and vented entrance cover. Allows for safe transport over short and long distances. Designed to hold standard Langstroth/Dadant frames. Makes transferring bees less intrusive. Keeps comb damage to a minimum. Preserves bees’ energy and hard work. Wood is responsibly sourced. 5 Dadant frames with foundation. See our successful trap in action!